Rubato by Glassbox Games
Download the JAR file
(Pre-Beta): 04/17/2020
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Navigate the main menu with the arrow keys and the ENTER key.
Pressing ESC at any time will return to the main menu or exit the game.
Play Mode
- Move left and right with the arrow keys
- Jump with the spacebar
- Attack directionally with the F key and a direction
- Dash with the D key and any of the 8 cardinal/diagonal directions
- Parry incoming attacks with the S key, spending parry meter as long as it’s held
- Reset to the beginning of the level with R
- Activate a time pillar by moving past it
- Continue to the next level (after activating all time pillars) with C
Touching a moving enemy will result in death and require the player to reset.
Attacking a moving enemy will add parry meter and suspend it, at which point the player can safely touch and jump on it.
Editor mode
- Left click any of the buttons to start placing that element
- Right click to cancel placement or delete the element under the cursor
- Move the camera with WASD
- Playtest the level with P (return to editor with E)
- Save the current level to a file with the 1 key
- Load a level from a file with the 2 key